Jan 26, 2016

Love Yourself First

“How I feel about myself is more important than how I look. Feeling confident. Being comfortable in your skin - that’s what really makes you beautiful.”
- Bobbi Brown 

That quote used to be something I had a really hard time with. 
I thought my looks meant more than how confident I felt or how comfortable I was in my own skin. 
It took me a long time to realize that no matter the size, or weight I was I was BEAUTIFUL. 
I just needed that little push of confidence and the knowledge to LOVE myself just the way I am!
I might have a little bit of cellulite. I might not be toned everywhere. But accepting that just EMPOWERS me. Accepting that just shows me I LOVE myself. 
I used to always be so fit. I was in the best shape of my life my first year of college. I was happy with the way things were. But I struggled. I didn't love myself. I had that little voice in my head always telling me I was fat and compared myself to other girls!
I don't know why I would sabotage myself I worked out all the time! It probably wasn't the healthiest because I would workout 2-3 hours a day 5-6 days a week. 
Do I look back on my old self and want to be there again? Yes I'd love to have the flat stomach again. And I know I'm working for that! I'm doing it the healthy way! I'm learning to LOVE myself! I'm eating healthier! I'm working out for 30 minutes a day instead of 3 hours a day! 
Once you love yourself you WILL see the change! You will see the change for the better! You will be happier! You will be back to your own self! 
YOU deserve to be happy… YOU deserve to love yourself! 
The next 30 day accountability group is all about learning to love yourself.
Yes, we will workout! and Yes there will be nutrition! But we will be focusing on why we do these things for our bodies. 
We eat healthy. We work out BECAUSE we LOVE ourselves! 
So i’m here for you! To love you through it all! To be there for YOU! 
To make the change that has changed my life! Are you ready to change YOURS??
Join the Facebook event to get all the info you need on the next 30 day accountability group to loving yourself!

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